
Stemix is an innovative device for controlled temperature mixing of cryoprotectant. Stemix is compatible with standard 25ml cryobags and allows the operator to program the temperature, duration and speed of mixing.  Take control of your process with the easy to operate, easy to clean and compact Stemix.


The professional solution specifically designed for the temperature controlled mixing of cryoprotectant in a 25ml Pall bag or standard 25ml cryobag. Stemix is an innovative and cost effective device that can help facilitate the addition of cryoprotectant to cryopreserved stem cell products.

Traceability Software

Stemix offers an integrated traceability software that allows an operator to keep record of the temperature profile during the mixing process.  The software keeps a log of the user, the process and any events that might occur during the mixing. Operators can easily generate a PDF file of the process.

ProductStemix Software